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CS Hyde Company has custom laminating capabilities to put adhesive on films that normally do not have adhesive. Thin and Thick Gauge materials.

View our lamination capabilities

All jobs are custom please call, e-mail, or chat with customer service regarding your spcific needs.

Delrin® with Adhesive/Lamination
Unit of Measure
Items Delrin® with Adhesive/Lamination
.031" Delrin with Adhesive
List Price $123.39
Delrin® with Adhesive/Lamination
.062" Delrin with Adhesive
List Price $130.78
Delrin® with Adhesive/Lamination
.092" Delrin with Adhesive
List Price $209.94
.003" Ultem/.010" Ultem Tape with adhesive
.003" Ultem Tape with adhesive
List Price $12.77
PEI ULTEM (Polyethermide Resin)/Ultem (PEI) Tape with Adhesive
.003" Ultem Tape with adhesive
List Price $26.82
Width N/A 48 in N/A 48 in N/A 48 in N/A 1 in N/A 2 in
Length N/A 24" N/A 24" N/A 24" N/A 5 Yards N/A 5 Yards
Thickness N/A .031" N/A .062" N/A .090" N/A .003" N/A .003"