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Mechanical grade PTFE coated fiberglass is made with a lighter coating of PTFE making it more economical yet effective. Some texture in surface yields slight pattern in heat seals. Applications include packaging, conveyor belting, and composite processing. / to 550 F / Natural Brown Color.

Mechanical Grade PTFE Coated Fiberglass- CS Hyde Co.
Unit of Measure

Item #

Item Name




List Price

53-3 N/A .003" thick Mechanical Grade Fabric N/A .003 in N/A 40 in N/A LN. Yard $30.88
53-5 N/A .005" thick Mechanical Grade Fabric N/A .005 in N/A 40 in N/A LN. Yard $62.80
53-10 N/A .010" thick Mechanical Grade Fabric N/A .010 in N/A 40 in N/A LN. Yard $87.24
Unit of Measure